Tuesday, August 03, 2004

When I Come Around

Ok, this GreenDay song reminds me of myself and my relationhip with my blogs (yes, I have two blogs and both are in shambles!!!) Not that I don't enjoy blogging - no thank you, but I really love blogging, writing and letting go... But it's not always that simple...

Anyway, the fact of the matter is that I am here, back again to toture you guys.. (That is assuming I have some readers!)

So let's see...

What do I do these days when I find some time from my quizzes and submissions and presentations... Read books??? Well, I sure can't sleep without reading a good few pages, but honestly most of the times I'm just too tired to concentrate on the words.

Reading is relaxing ... at the same time there's so much more to reading than just assimilating the words... A book is there to make you dream and imagine and run away to a different world, to make you wonder and think and go to places you've never been and see things you have never seen. But unfortunately I just usually am too tired to read as much as I would have liked to.

And so these days, I've been watching movies... Sometimes there's nothing like just switching your mind off and staring at some vague people on the screen... Of course, once in a while you come across a great movie that makes you think and feel.. Like 'Remember the Titans'... Wonderful movie! But then, as I said, only once in while and for the better part you just are looking at the shadows like an idiot (hence the term, idiot box, I expect)

Some times I wonder which affects me more - a good movie or a good book?

I know movies are easier to relate to.. to see.. but at the end of the day, a book is so much more vivid - where the mind can picture the way it wants things to be to appeal to the reader.. In fact I remember seeing the movie of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" (Roald Dahl) ...

An excerpt from the book...

"There!" cried Mr. Wonka, dancing up and down and pointing his gold-topped cane at the great brown river. " It's all chocolate! Every drop of that river is hot melted chocolate of the finest quality. The very finest quality."...

What does a 10-year old reading this imagine??? Especially a 10-year old like I was - crazy about chocolate??? I'll tell you what I thought ... I thought of a river of the darkest brown bitter chocolate... falling in a gooey sticky thick viscous manner ... I'd imagine dipping my finger into the river.. just a little bit of my little finger and that would be enough to transport me to heaven...

For readers who imagine the same - NEVER EVER see the movie... Ugh! I feel so awful just thinging about it... Gimme my book any day... What do you guys have to say???


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