Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Souveniers from Bombay

Just back from Bombay after meeting Sparsh - who I have decided is going to be the No.1 man in my life along with Rousseau (my other nephew), I have some amazing souveniers with me from my trip - A collection of poems I wrote inspired by what I saw (who knows, I maybe another William Wordsworth in the making, hehe...)

Anyway, here's one of them - and what inspired me? The name says it all.


Shining, shimmering blue that melts into the sky,
Surf-tipped waves that lap the land; calm serenity meets the eye
Maddening rush of life behind, forgotten in the splendour I greet.
The crescent walk stretches beneath my feet.

A rush of dreams, of promised evening walks,
Hand-in-hand, starry-eyed,
Two young lovers would weave the stars,
Fly the winds beyond the lands.

Just a casual evening-stroll,
While souls entwined and danced with joy
To the rhythm of the universe,
In an everlasting celebration of love.

Hushed voices and kisses hovering on the corner of the lips,
Merry eyes that sparkle in mirth, oblivious to all but one around,
Two bodies fused in one breath
Of three unuttered words.

The sunset in the distant west
Cheeks flushed with rosy hues of tenderness
As the orb sinks into the clam,
Two fires burn with passion, brighter than the sun.

A dull gray twilight and dirty red clouds,
Bright city lights and loud honks,
Colours fade away into reality

And I stand alone again.


At December 27, 2005 at 11:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice 1


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